Tarik NuClothes: Hip Hop’s Neon Phoenix

East meets West emcee Tarik NuClothes released his debut album earlier this year on Fervor Records, after working for months with Arizona-based producer John Costello from his home in Queens, NY to create the full length record.  The bi-coastal recording process alone makes for an interesting story, but as readers will see, that is one of the least exciting things about this hip hop artist.

Journalist Taylor Haag of Boston, MA-based Performer Magazine gets down to the nitty gritty with Mr. NuClothes on the topics of life, music and inspiration in this spotlight feature that hit the stands today.  He refers to the Fervor rapper as ‘hip hop’s neon phoenix’, as Tarik embodies reinvention at every step of the way in intentionally vivid attire.

The June 2011 issue of Performer Magazine is available online at performermag.com and circulates nationally throughout major music hubs.

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