Calvin Harris

Fervor Records Logo
1960's Soul - New York to Shreveport Album Cover

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1960’s Soul: New York to Shreveport

Will Trent Premieres with Fervor

Calvin Harris
Credits, Placements
Cult Hits of the 1960's Soul New York to Shreveport Album Cover

The Company You Keep Continues with Fervor

Calvin Harris, Maurice, Ray Zeiner, Ronnie Whitehead
Credits, Placements
1971_What-I-Got-I-Got-And-Ain't-Gonna-Lose Label

Fervor Records Gets Purple Hearts

Calvin Harris, Michael Legnon
Credits, Placements
1960's Soul - New York to Shreveport Album Cover

Motherland: Fort Salem, It’s Over

Calvin Harris, Patti LaSalle
Credits, Placements
Deep Cuts B Sides Teen Idols Vol 2_Various_2015

Cheaper By The Dozen, Life Goes On

Calvin Harris, Fabulous Downbeat
Credits, Placements
Life Goes On by Fabulous Downbeats 45 Label

Snowpiercer, My Love Is Real

Calvin Harris
Credits, Placements
1960's Soul - New York to Shreveport_Various_2018 - Featured Image

Black-ish, My Love Is Real

Calvin Harris, Frank Lynch
Credits, Placements
Cult Hits of the 1960's Soul New York to Shreveport Album Cover

Katy Keene, Foxy Roxy

Calvin Harris
Credits, Placements
1960's Soul - New York to Shreveport Album Cover

Auggie Meets Fervor

Calvin Harris, Lee Hurst, The Versatiles
Credits, Placements
1960's Soul - New York to Shreveport Album Cover

Fervor In Safe Spaces

Calvin Harris, Chuck Dawson, Robie Lester
Credits, Placements
1960's Soul - New York to Shreveport Album Cover


Bucko Reed