CooBee Coo

Arizona based CooBee Coo entered the national conscience with their compellingly quirky video “Never Gonna Leave Your Side.” The band took top honors on mtvU’s hugely popular “The Freshman” with “Never Gonna Leave Your Side” catapulting into full rotation across the network. What followed was featured placements in hit shows such as NCIS, Flaked, Chicago Fire, Sneaky Pete, 1 Mile To you, Hap & Leonard, Sirens and Lucifer to name just a few. Formed by songwriting/production partners KC Barras and Jesse Morrison, their 7 piece live show is a force to be reckoned with… routinely landing the band top slots at festivals including The McDowell Mountain Music Festival. KC and Jesse can just as easily steal the show compelling crowds with their duo performances. Look for the band live and enjoy CooBee Coo on all their Fervor Records releases Melodies From The Farm, Liven Up, and Strikes Again.

Baker's Dozen Album Cover

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Baker’s Dozen

The Coo Friday Collection Album

Amazon Apple Spotify

The Coo Friday Collection

Gorilla CooBee Coo Album-Cover

Amazon  Apple  Spotify

Gorilla (The Rock Album)

CooBee Coo_Strikes Again

Amazon  Apple  Spotify

Strikes Again

CooBee Coo_Liven Up

Amazon  Apple  Spotify

Liven Up

CooBee Coo_Melodies From the Farm

Amazon  Apple  Spotify

Melodies from the Farm

Law & Order: Organized Crime Finds Gold Mine

CooBee Coo
Credits, Placements


CooBee Coo

CooBee Coo In Chicago Fire

CooBee Coo
Credits, Placements

Norman Reedus, Let’s Rock & Roll

CooBee Coo
Credits, Placements

Shameless Hall Of Shame, Let’s Rock And Roll

CooBee Coo
Credits, Placements

Dollface Finds Fervor

CooBee Coo, Loosely Tight
Credits, Placements
CooBee Coo_Liven Up

No Surprises In Shameless Premiere

CooBee Coo
Credits, Placements
CooBee Coo_Melodies From the Farm

CooBee Coo, Shameless

CooBee Coo
Credits, Placements

Broken Bellows and CooBee Coo: Shameless on Showtime

Broken Bellows, CooBee Coo
Credits, Placements

Ozark Has Eyes That Kill

CooBee Coo, Eyes That Kill, Liven Up, Ozark
Credits, Placements

Ralph Lauren has Eyes that Kill

CooBee Coo, Eyes That Kill, Liven Up, Ralph Lauren
Credits, Placements

CooBee Coo Has 24 Hours to Live

CooBee Coo
Credits, Placements

NCIS, Let’s Rock and Roll

CooBee Coo, Let's Rock and Roll, Liven Up, NCIS
Credits, Placements

Get Shorty Gets Fervor

CooBee Coo, Eyes That Kill, Get Shorty, Liven Up
Credits, Placements

Chicago Justice Finds Snake in the Gravel

CooBee Coo
Credits, Placements

NCIS, Never Gonna Leave Your Side

CooBee Coo
Credits, Placements
CooBee Coo_Melodies From the Farm

Sneaky Pete Finds Fervor

Bill Gordon Trio, Chuck Hall, CooBee Coo, Lenny Mack Band
Credits, Placements

CooBee Coo – “Strikes Again” EP

CooBee Coo, Java Magazine
Java Logo

Five New Songs from Phoenix Bands That You Need To Hear

CooBee Coo, Phoenix New Times

Waylens Hits the Road with Fervor

Aaron Paul Nelson, Bruce Connole, CooBee Coo, Hans Olson, James Wilcox, PM Nightly, Reckless Serenade, Renee Oliver, Super Stereo, Twilight Stunning
Credits, Placements

Lucifer Has Eyes That Kill

CooBee Coo, Eyes That Kill, Fox, Liven Up, Lucifer
Credits, Placements
CooBee Coo_Liven Up

Hap And Leonard And Fervor Records

Bill Burgess, CooBee Coo, Fly-Bi-Nites, Found Love, Hap & Leonard, Liven Up, Love Enough, Sundance, SundanceTV
Credits, Placements

Chicago Fire Explores The Things Above

Chicago Fire, CooBee Coo, NBC, The Things Above
Credits, Placements
CooBee Coo_Melodies From the Farm

Flaked Finds Snake In The Gravel

CooBee Coo, Flaked, Netflix, Snake in the Gravel
Credits, Placements
CooBee Coo_Melodies From the Farm

Coobee Coo: Liven Up

CooBee Coo, Yab Yum