Marialena Unlocked by Fans In Hours


Fayuca’s deep cut from Barrio Sideshow, Marialena, tells the story of a forbidden love, where the beautiful girl is mixed up with the wrong guy and pines for another.  Starring Fayuca drummer Raf, this timeless tale weaves Luchadore masks into a tale as old as time.

The video, which was the second single from their Fervor Records debut, was promised to be released by the label if the loyal fans shared the announcement post on Facebook at least 125 times.

This task only took a matter of hours before it was unleashed and available to the eager Fayuqueros.

The flurry of excitement over Marialena caught the attention of mtvU, who had been reviewing a third Fayuca video for rotation (Por Que Seguir).  MTV networks were so impressed, they pushed the other single/video through and it is now in regular rotation on their college-oriented channel, mtvU.

Check out the video for Marialena on YouTube, directed by Matty Steinkamp (Sundawg Media).

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