Musical Mavericks Bob Kelly & The Pikes

In 1954 Bob Kelly assembled a few fellow students from North Texas State University forming, Bob Kelly & The Pikes. Kelly and crew were on the forefront of a new musical genre soon to take the world by storm. The band quickly gained popularity ultimately landing at The Big D Jamboree in Dallas. The savvy and talented Kelly parlayed the bands high profile gigs into recording opportunities for his burgeoning song- writing career. He soon landed hit singles with Mac Curtis on King Records and Capitol Records recording artist and Rock n’ Roll legend Gene Vincent.

Bob Kelly was a prolific songwriter, producer, disc jockey, recording studio owner and bandleader. Take a close listen to these amazing recordings from 1954 – 1960 and it won’t take long to hear why Bob Kelly & The Pikes were true Pioneers of Rock N’ Roll & Pop! Coming 11.12.13; pre-order on iTunes here!


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