The Fun Never Stops In The Hart Of Dixie
The Fun Never Stops, from the Fervor Records release Marcus Latief Scott will be heard in an upcoming episode of Hart of Dixie on the CW. Starring fashion icon and The O.C. alum Rachel Bilson, the show follows a fast-talking 'city mouse'...
Life Passed Me By In The Mindy Project (FOX)
Life Passed Me By, the catchy synth-pop single by AZ electro band Super Stereo has made its way into the television-sphere again, this time on the hit Fox comedy, The Mindy Project. The prime-time show centers around a young female...
Spy The Gringos In The Americans (FX) This Week
The Americans Good Days, a 1976 cut from The Gringos, is set to air in this week's edition of The Americans. The FX period-piece show (starring Keri Russell) takes place in the Cold War era and follows a pair of KGB agents posing as a US...
Zeus In Once Upon A Time This Sunday
ABC's fantasy-drama Once Upon A Time has struck a chord with viewers, as it mixes all the classic characters together in one plot, not unlike Stephen Sondheim's Broadway hit Into The Woods. This week's episode includes a vintage track...
3 Fervor Tunes In This Week’s World Of Jenks (MTV)
Have you been watching the new season of World Of Jenks? Well this Monday there is a new episode and it features 3 different Fervor artists all in one show! From gangsta hip hop to dark bluegrass to acoustic indie-pop, this show will...
Haunter Debuts At SXSW Film Festival With Gramophone Gems
What makes a ghost story even creepier? Authentic 1920's Gramophone music, of course. Austin's SXSW 2013 Film Festival has announced the lineup for it's "Midnighters" showcase series, a collection of the scariest and most offbeat...
Sanford Clark Sings The Big Lie In This Week’s Justified (FX)
Critically acclaimed outlaw drama Justified airs a new episode tomorrow night called "The Hatchet Tour" (409), marking the fourth time this season the FX show has raided the Fervor catalog for music. This time it's two tunes from the...
World Of Jenks Goes 2 Tha Top With Tarik NuClothes
It's no secret that MTV is known for its spectacular reality shows, in fact, they sort of invented the genre. But recently, they've re-invented it once again with an unusual new series called World Of Jenks. The documentary show follows...
Find A Good Woman In Justified (FX) Tonight (2/26)
Episode 408 of the FX law drama “Justified” features Fervor Record classics “Find A Good Woman” by Craig Erickson.
When The Sun Goes Down On How I Met Your Mother
CBS’s Emmy award-winning comedy “How I Met Your Mother” features Fervor Record classic “When The Sun Goes Down” by The Jetzons.
Five Fervor Favorites In FX’s Justified Tomorrow
FX's critically acclaimed modern-day outlaw series Justifed returns tomorrow with a new episode, this time featuring 5 songs from the Fervor label, all by Arizona artists. From the Vintage Country collection, there will be three tracks,...
The Carrie Diaries Get Heartless From The Twisters
The Carrie Diaries, a 1980's throwback series that follows Sex and the City character Carrie Bradshaw's coming of age, is set to air another episode featuring Fervor Vintage Masters music. This will mark the third time Fervor...