

Bubble Shaker Pumps Up The Jams On One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill, the CW drama that follows the lives of high school brothers and their basketball pursuits, has just launched its ninth and final season.  The show has grown with the characters as they've entered into adulthood, and the...

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The Mentalist Takin’ It Sleazy with Chinatown

Another strong show in the line of CBS police procedural dramas, The Mentalist has been awarded and nominated for several honors; including Golden Globes, Emmys and the Peoples' Choice Awards.  Now in its fourth season, the show continues...

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Criminal Minds Tears Run Backwards

CBS police procedural drama Criminal Minds, is now in its seventh season and a worldwide hit. Focusing on the perpetrator rather than the crime itself, the show has managed to stand apart from the slew of other investigative crime shows...

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Go Santa Go To Suburgatory!!

Happen to catch last night's episode of Suburgatory?  The ABC comedy is still in its first season, but already rocking the obligatory holiday edition. "The Nutcracker", season 1 episode 9, aired in all its mistletoed glory with a festive...

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