Ray Donovan has Thoughts of You
Jay Fortunato’s 1971 Psychedelic ballad “Thoughts Of You” can be heard in the Showtime hit “Ray Donovan.”
Runaways, Take Me For What I Am
Hulu drops Season 2 of their Marvel based series “Runaways” on December 21st.
Jimmy Spellman in The Guest Book
The golden voice of late 50s/early 60s crooner Jimmy Spellman will be featured twice in the TBS comedy hit “The Guest Book.”
Ray Donovan, By the Black Sea the White Rose
Showtime’s “Ray Donovan” features the Fervor Records “By The Black Sea The White Rose” by The Western Rangers. Catch it on December 16th!
Dick Flood, Red Johnson, & Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood produced, directed and stars in the new Warner Bros. Pictures film “The Mule.”
If Beale Street Could Talk with Lee Hurst
“If Beale Street Could Talk” is the highly anticipated film from writer/director Barry Jenkins.
Supergirl Plays Simplistics
The CW’s superhero hit “Supergirl” will feature music from Fervor Records archive of authentic 80s greats.
Ray Donovan, A Chance for Me
Showtime’s “Ray Donovan” has returned to Fervor Records for more authentic 1970s jams.
Dick Flood, Derral Gleason, & Dirty John
The new Bravo series “Dirty John” has returned to Fervor Records for more songs for Episode 103: “Remember It Was Me.”
Ferver Records in Chicago Fire
Episode 709: “Always A Catch” of NBC’s “Chicago Fire” features the Fervor Records classics “What We Need Is Some Rock” by Just Water and “Milk Run” by Chuck Hall.
Fervor in Berlin Station
Season 3 of Epix drama “Berlin Station” features Fervor Record classics The Romeos’ “Wild And Wooly Ways” and “Caroline” by Arroyo.
Dirty John, Theres No Doubt
Bravo’s new true crime anthology “Dirty John” has turned to Fervor Records for a slice of the 1970s.