by Josh Larsen | Jul 14, 2017 | Album
; The Card Table “The Card Table” is the debut release from indie Alt Pop sensation Broken Bellows. Cory Brent and Will Prinzi are the duo behind magic. Their breakout 5 song EP brilliantly showcases the duo’s incredible songwriting and...
by Josh Larsen | May 13, 2017 | Artist
; Juanita Brown Phoenix, Arizona R&B songstress Juanita Brown released her first full length record on the Redline label in 2000. That same year the ambitious singer was ready to get back in the studio and start working on a followup. She soon found herself...
by Josh Larsen | May 12, 2017 | Artist
; The Jetzons As New Wave rushed to the forefront of Pop music in the early 80’s, The Jetzons made a huge splash with their innovative brand of perfectly irreverent, yet oh-so polished take on the genre. The band drew on Punk, Prog, Funk and Early Rock n’ Roll...
by Josh Larsen | May 9, 2017 | Artist
; Super Stereo Fervor Records launched Super Stereo with MTV in 2011. The band’s infectious Pop hooks and compelling live show catapulted them into the psyche of dance floor maniacs from 1980s Synth-Pop Fiends to Modern Electro Hipsters. Their debut release...
by Josh Larsen | May 9, 2017 | Artist
; Broken Bellows Broken Bellows is the brainchild of former Reckless Serenade lead vocalist Cory Brent and bassist Will Prinzi. Fervor Records originally broke Reckless Serenade on mtvU’s “The Freshmen” with the band’s video taking top honors and moving into...
by Josh Larsen | Apr 28, 2017 | Album
; Never Give Up Phoenix, Arizona R&B songstress Juanita Brown released her first full length record on the Redline label in 2000. That same year the ambitious singer was ready to get back in the studio and start working on a followup. She soon found herself...
by Josh Larsen | Apr 26, 2017 | Album
; The Lost Masters As New Wave rushed to the forefront of Pop music in the early 80’s, The Jetzons were at the helm with an innovative brand of perfectly irreverent, yet oh-so- polished primitive synth music that drew on Punk, Prog, Funk and Early Rock n’ Roll....
by Josh Larsen | Apr 26, 2017 | Album
; The Complete Jetzons Far and away, The Jetzons were the most important band out of Tempe, AZ in the 1980’s. “Just to be considered in the same breath as them was better than selling a million records,” said Gin Blossoms vocalist, Robin Wilson. The band’s...