The Escorts


The Disco-infused Soul sound of The Escorts came from humble beginnings. Formed in Rahway State Prison in New Jersey in 1970, The Escorts rode songs like “Make Me Over” and “Heart of Gold” and charting albums like All We Need Is Another Chance and Three Down, Four To Go to post-prison success. Despite some early protesting from the prison warden, producer George Kerr was allowed to record The Escorts before early members started getting released from prison in 1974 and the group gained both a following and notoriety in the Soul and Disco scenes. Eventually, the band linked up with legendary session drummer Herschel Dwellingham, who by the late 70s had become known as both a world-class producer, songwriter and savvy executive, releasing material under both Helva Records and My Record. Both of these labels are now proudly represented by Fervor Records.

The Helva Records Sessions The Escorts Album Cover

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The Helva Records Sessions

Cruel Intentions, Make Me Over

The Escorts
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The Xotics_Self Titled Album Cover

Cinnamon, Sing A Happy Song

The Escorts
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The Helva Records Sessions The Escorts Album Cover

Fervor In Bel Air

Bright Moments, The Escorts
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American Horror Story, Try The Fantasy

The Escorts
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The Helva Records Sessions The Escorts Album Cover

The Escorts, Don’t Look Up

The Escorts
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The Helva Records Sessions The Escorts Album Cover

Generation, Fervor Records

Saldana, The Escorts
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Saldana-Iluminame Album Cover

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The Escorts
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Cult Hits of the 1970s Disco Vol 2 Album Cover

Fervor In A Babysitter’s Guide To Monster Hunting

The Escorts, Tisa Weathersbee
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The Escorts, The Unicorn

The Escorts
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Make Me Over by The Escorts 45 Label