Preacher Has No More Games To Play

AMC’s new Sunday night hit “Preacher” continues with an insatiable appetite for Fervor Records’ stockpile of vintage classics. Featured in Episode 107: “El Valero,“ is Ernest Walker’s 1960 Ram Records release “Lovers Land,”  Donna Lee Stokes’ 1979 no...

Let The Devil Pour The Wine For Preacher

The “Critics Consensus,” on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, calls Preacher “A thrilling celebration of the bizarre, Preacher boasts enough gore, glee, and guile to make this visually stunning adaption a must-see for fans of the comic and newcomers...

Preacher To Help You Find A Way

Forbes Magazine recent review of AMC’s Preacher stated, “Preacher is everything you’re not supposed to do on TV. Now who wants to miss this?” Exactly! The series also has great taste in music featuring a vast array of classics from Fervor Records. Episode 105:...

Dick Flood and Wanda Johnson in Preacher

AMC’s “Preacher” continues with more songs from Fervor Records’ stockpile of vintage greats. Episode 3: “The Possibilities” features Dick Flood’s 1971 recording “Livin’ In The Lonely Zone,” and Wanda Johnson’s “Untie The Ribbon” from 1970. Don’t miss this...

Trio Of Period Classics Hit Preacher

AMC’s intense new supernatural drama “Preacher” features three period greats, from three distinct decades, all from Fervor Records. These gems appear in Episode 103: The Possibilities.” From 1957 is “Start At The Bottom” by The Newton Brothers, 1971’s “Speak My Name”...

Preacher Continues With Fervor

AMC continues to deliver, this time with the comic book adaption of DC Comics critically-acclaimed Preacher. The show premiered May 22nd with a choice track from Fervor Records, and continues the trend in in Episode 2: “See,” featuring three more gems from the Fervor...

Preacher Premieres With Fervor

Tune into AMC’s new supernatural horror drama “Preacher,” debuting May 22nd! The series has turned to Fervor Records in their quest for authentic music of yesteryear. The first episode will feature the 1963 Mascot Records release “Don’t Take Me For Granted” by Nancy...

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