- 17 Candle
- 2 Da Groove
- 24HR World
- 99 Tales
- B. Willie Smith Band
- Baby Jean
- BabyCakes
- Baker DeCocq
- Band X
- Barbara Jean English
- Beat Angels
- Beau Badrick
- Beau Jack
- Becca Kötte
- Ben Franks
- Beth Lederman
- Big Big Big
- Big Pete Pearson
- Bill Cyrils Unlimited
- Bill Gordon Trio
- Bill Wrinn
- Billy Clone and the Same
- Billy Thompson
- Billy Williams
- BillyLee Janey
- Birch Pereira & The Gin
- Blackwood-Laird
- blakk.nostalgia
- Blitz Girls
- Blue Shoes
- Bob Enos and Friends
- Bob Kelly
- Bob Kelly & The Pikes
- Bob McGilpin
- Bob Mel
- Bob Melrose
- Bob Waddell
- Bobby Barnes
- Bobby Page & The Riff Raffs
- Bopert Davidson and His Combo-Nation
- Boxcar
- Brainchild
- Brainwave
- Bramm Rigg Set
- Branch Estate
- Brand New Christ
- Brian Page
- Brian Scott
- Brian Willia
- Bridge
- Broken Bellows
- Brother Danny Moore
- Bruce Connole
- Bryce Janey
- Buck Storm
- Bucko Reed
- California English
- Calvin Harris
- Carl Coccomo
- Carol Montag
- Cats On Holiday
- Cavalier
- Charity Lockhart
- Charlotte Hunter
- Chef McKenzie
- Chele’
- Chief Root Wizard
- Chief Root Wizard & The Silvery Moon
- Chilo Escobedo
- Chimeras
- Chinatown
- Chino
- Chris Lukert
- Christopher Blue
- Chuck Dawson
- Chuck Hall
- Chuck Hall Band
- Chuck Kirkpatrick
- Chuck Womack And The Sweet Souls
- Cissy Stone
- City Kids
- Colin Steele
- Connie Conway
- Connie Conway’s Eleven Piece Band
- CooBee Coo
- Cookie Cook
- Cookie Little
- Courtney Cotter King
- Cowan & Alexander
- Craig Erickson
- Craig Marsden
- Crown of Thorns
- Cryptics
- D. Mosis
- Dahcotah
- Dan Darrah
- Dandelion Wine
- Daniel Domb
- Danny Infantino
- Dany Freeman
- Darlene D.
- Dave Lowe
- David Bradley Mau
- David Hardin
- Dawn Jameson
- Deborah Giles
- Derek Carle
- Derral Gleason
- Derrick Procell
- Derrick With The Shakes
- Dewitt Lee
- Dexter Lee Moore
- Diana Duval
- Diana Lee
- Diane Fortune
- Diane Frohman
- Dick Flood
- Dick Robinson & His Makebelievers
- Dirk Debonaire
- Dixie Peach
- DJ Jay C3
- DJ Uff Da & DJ Jay C3
- Don Cole
- Don deBrauwere
- Donna Fargo
- Dore Soul
- Dot and Worth Colson
- Doug Barr
- Doug Harden
- Gabi Carrubba
- Gary McCray
- Gene Maltais
- Gene Michael
- Gene Pool
- Geneva Price
- Gentlemen Afterdark
- Geoff Grace
- Geronimo!
- Gigi Dixon
- Glass Target
- Glenn Morris
- Glory Road
- Grace Tennessee and The American Spirits
- Greg Scott
- Grump
- Gum
- Gwynn Michaels
- J Basil Band
- Jack Alves
- Jack Cook
- Jack Gray Orchestra
- Jackie Stewart
- Jagged Rocks On The Perimeter
- Jailhouse
- James Wilcox
- Jay Fortier
- Jay Ramsey
- Jay Ramsey and the Contempos
- Jeannie C. Riley
- Jeff Lubin
- Jeff Williamson
- Jerry Hanson
- Jerry Honigman
- Jim Vining
- Jimmy Ross
- Jimmy Spellman
- John “Oklahoma Zeke” Lewis
- John Gray Band
- Johnnie Mae Brown
- Johnny Amoroso
- Johnny Parris
- Johnny Roberts And The Dixie Boys
- Joints
- Juanita Brown
- Julie Burton
- Just Jade
- Justin A. Watson
- Kaige and the Pubes
- Kailey Swanson
- Kathy Cushman
- Keagan
- Keith King
- Keith Watson
- Ken Noble
- Kevin Daly
- Kill Your TV
- Kindred
- Lab-Rats
- Larry Bamberg
- Larry Bamberg And The Louisiana Drifters
- Larry LaFalce
- Larry Rickard With The Hartbeats
- Lassie
- Lawrence Zubia
- Lee Finley
- Left In Ruins
- Len Boone
- Lexi
- Lights From Space
- Linda Brannon
- Linda Greico
- Lionel Lodge
- Lisa Marie Smith
- Lisa Vasey
- Little Melvin Underwood
- Lloyd Conger
- Lloyd Ellis
- London
- Lonnegan’s Band
- Loosely Tight
- Lori Wall
- Los Guys
- Lucian Blaque
- Lucy Sustar
- Ludo
- Lynn Ready
- M.J. Wade
- Mack & Gwen
- Mack Fields
- Mack Smith
- Made Ya Look
- Mail Order Brides
- Mallie Ann with The Velveteens
- Mantis
- Marble Collection
- Marcus
- Marcus Latief Scott
- Margaret Lewis
- Marie Sparrow
- Mark Long
- Mark Zubek Quartet
- Mark Zubia
- Martie Echito
- Matt Scanners
- Matter
- Maurice
- Meerkats
- Men Rockin’
- Metaphysical Animation
- Michael DelGuidice
- Michael Legnon
- Michael Liggins and The Super Souls
- Michael Nitro
- Mike McFadden
- Moonlight Magic
- Moonwalker
- Morgan Butler and Jason DeRoss
- Morrie Morrison
- Mr. B & The Stingers
- Mr. Fantastic
- Mr. Zeni
- Muevate
- Mumble
- N. Patrick Williams
- Nadine Jansen
- Nadine Jansen Trio
- Nelsen Adelard Band
- Nenad Mandic
- Neri Platt
- New York Electric Piano
- Noble & Fain
- Noonday Devils
- Norm Roth
- Novelty
- Pango
- Paris James
- Pat Cronley
- Patrick Welch
- Patty Parker
- Paul Gibson
- Paul Taneja
- Paula Grindstaff
- Peck Rowell
- Pedro “Pete” Garcia Y Los Brillantes
- Pegasus
- Pen Lucy
- Peter Blair
- Peter Blair Quintet
- Peter Sivo
- Peter Sivo Band
- Phunklogistix
- Piers Skelton
- Pinto and the Bean
- Pistoleros
- Plague
- Plague
- PM Nightly
- Poor Boy Rappers
- Pop Kultur
- Porter Jordan
- Potluck
- Primas Stefan & His Royal Tziganes
- Prince Mirth
- Pulse
- R. J. McClintock
- R.F.M.
- Radio Architecture
- Ray Zeiner
- Reckless Serenade
- Red Johnson
- Reggae Revolution
- Reggie Taylor
- Renee Oliver
- Rhett Davis
- Rhett Grant
- Rich Dolmat
- Rick Coyne
- Rick Greysun
- Rick Levy
- Ricky Coyne And His Guitar Rockers
- Ritchie Hart
- Ritchie Hart and His Hartbeats
- Rivals
- Robby D
- Robert “One-Man” Johnson
- Robin & The Rocks
- Rockers
- Roger Harcourt
- Roger LaBarge
- Ron Higgins
- Ross Watson
- Rotten Cheri
- Roy Kenner and the Associates
- Sad Kid
- Saku
- Saldaña
- Sam McNeely
- Sanci Bell
- Sandy Mercer
- Sandy Szigeti
- Sanford Clark
- Scanners
- Sebastian
- Shoeshine Boy
- Simplistics
- SimStar
- Sir George and the Dragons
- Skaie Knox
- Skinny Ginter
- Sleek
- Slick Watts
- Slyder
- Sonrise
- Sophia Pratt
- Soul Superiors
- Spence Bare
- Split Decision Band
- Stacy Edwards
- Steve Cameo
- Steve Gordon Band
- Steve Gosney
- Steve Knox
- Steve Vaus
- Steven Rosch
- Stick To Your Guns
- Stolie
- Suave Besos
- Sugar ‘N Spice
- Sugar Thieves
- Sunfield
- Sunshine Choral-Aires
- Super J Lounge
- Super Stereo
- Susan Nikas
- Susan Renaker
- Sybil
- Target
- Tarik NuClothes
- Tension
- Terry & The Pyrates
- Thaddeus Rose & The Thorns
- The Barbie Connection
- The Blankz
- The Blaupunks
- The Blue Echos
- The Blue Flood
- The Bobby Reed Band
- The Bone
- The Buttons
- The Carfrey Crusaders
- The Chi-Lites
- The Chimeras
- The Choir
- The Counts
- The Crew
- The Cryptics
- The Dave Freeland Group
- The Daybreakers
- The DMGs
- The Escorts
- The Expressions
- The Father Figures
- The Fetish Crowd
- The Freddie Duran Plan
- The Glass Heroes
- The Gringos
- The Harvey Truitt &. Jack Miller Project
- The Honeycreepers
- The Illustrious Illustrated Men
- The Interior Castle
- The Jack Grey Orchestra
- The Janeys
- The Jetzons
- The Kellwoods
- The Kodebeats
- The Linecutters
- The Lively Ones
- The Lonesome Drifter
- The McSharry Sisters
- The Mears Brothers
- The Morrie Morrison Orchestra
- The Nervous
- The New Mods
- The Newton Brothers
- The Now
- The Outlets
- The Persuaders
- The Peter Blair Big Band
- The Peter Blair Combo
- The Peter Blair Quartet
- The Peter Patrick Band
- The Pills
- The Real Dark Half
- The Revenants
- The Rhythm Rockers
- The Rick Levy Band
- The Roadrunners
- The Rogues
- The Romeos
- The Rondels
- The Senators
- The Shags
- The Slang
- The Smithfields
- The Souls
- The Spiders
- The Spiffs
- The Strand
- The Sugar Thieves
- The Suicide Kings
- The Sweetnighters Band
- The Sybil Johnson Singers
- The Terrible Parade
- The Tony Pritchett Band
- The Topsy Turbys
- The Triplett Twins
- The Truly Desperate
- The Velaires
- The Vice-Roys
- The Wild Thymes
- The Wildweeds
- The Xotics
- Tim Hamiter
- Tim Henley
- Tim Henry
- Tina Bailey
- Tisa Weathersby
- Tom Martin
- Tommy Mears and His Eagle’s Club Orchestra
- Tony Castle
- Tony Stevens Band
- Trinidad
- Trish Robbins and The Mirrors
- Twilight Stunning
- U.S. Bombs
- Ultracorpi
- Undertow
- Up With People!
- Uranus And The Five Moons